Monday, July 14, 2008

Service Over Self Day 1

Well day one has started with our Service over self mission trip in Binghampton. What a great oppurtunity for our students at Christ United Methodist to experince their relationship with God by looking past their safe economic friendly homes to see the people in their city that are hungry and hurting for Christ. Many will never know the impact they have on the people in this community but I hope that the students don't lose thier excitment for loving people becuase I can see that after our BigStuf trip they quickly went into the Me attitude again. I love these students so much and see the same mistakes I made when I was their age and want them to keep reaching for Christ and not the next academic accalade.
Yet, while I sound discouraging, I was really impressed with a student Alex who reached out to a homeowner while we were building a ramp for here house. He just came up to me and said, "Can I go talk to her." I was so excited to hear that response of love. It reminded me of Mary and Martha. Some of us have skills in good old fashion hard work while others need to build relationships with people. When watching students who are willing to serve God I can only say Praise be to God!

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