Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memphis is like no other!!!

Wow, so far what an experince. Tiffany and I have been getting use to all the kindness and of course the southern hospitality. It' s like nothing I've experienced. People I've met across the country have never been rude by any means it's just that there is something different a good different. I believe because I've my experince from Cali I questioned if it was legit or not. But so far people are really genuine. And Beale street was entertaining. Tiff and I were walking down the street when all of a sudden she say's, "Hey, there's a guy flipping down the street!" I casually looked up to my surprise to find just that. I thought it was really strange but the same way we have Jack Sparrow wannabes walking in Hollywood they have "Flippers."

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