Saturday, October 3, 2009

Crazy Love....So it begins

Have you ever wanted more? This is the question Francis Chan presents to us in his book Crazy Love. The next 10 weeks I want to challenge anyone who wants to share their thoughts or want to ask questions as we read through Crazy Love. I have some friends that will be going through this and responding right here, but know its open to you as well.

Chapter 1: Stop Praying

In the Bible Solomon warns us not to rush into God's presence with words.

I recall a time when my friend Evan and I just went to the mountains to enjoy God in his wonderful creation (Ps.19:1-4), it was a time of rejuvenation for me, when's the last time you just enjoyed God's creation?

We would think it would be easy to Love a God so wonderful, powerful, and Holy, but we often allow the relationship with God to fizzle. I know with all the involvement I have in the church as well as Bible College it is very easy to turn God into a day to day thing you just get done, but is that passion? What are things in your life that hinder you passion for God?

I hope you share your thoughts and allow this place to open to discussion with other people that read some of Chan's words as that will assist you in fully understanding the questions of each chapter. May God Bless us in this search for Crazy Love!


Anonymous said...

What hinders MY passion for God? Time. I wrongly claim it as my own. I use what's left over from daily obligations for personal pleasure. This leaves no time for God. And if I gave Him time, it would feel like another daily obligation, which is also wrong. God isn't a lot of fun either. It's hard to choose Him when you could watch a good show, play a game, or hang out with your friends. So how can I start being passionate about God when it feels more like a duty? I suppose my puny little brain can't comprehend who God really is. Because I know who He is in my head, and if that's for real, then what the hell is wrong with me? I'm an idiot for NOT being passionate about him. But this knowledge still doesn't change the fact that I'm just....not. How sad.

Anonymous said...

Well Anonymous,

I don't believe we should make God a duty, yet seems to be a constant battle. But perhaps we can find ways to be in worship with God all day not allowing him to be confined to a 10 min. quiet time. Not to say those quiet times are thrown out with the the baby and the bath water. Rather we "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." To be intentional with our time and worship may help us to get excited about the loving Grace from God.

Anonymous II

Unknown said...

My passion for God is not hindered any more then my passion for my wife. For me, a truth of the heart does not wax and wane with the seasons. They are constants, constants I separate from my temporal chaos of mood, attitude and fear. My challenge is how to act passionate. What does passion for God look like? Is it loud, does it buy things, is it impatient, excited, afraid, does it move, does it move me, should it move others? For me the Christian life is a conflict of internal motivations and external expressions. I justify my passion by my actions (Faith –works), but live convicted by my intentions (first sin is in the mind). Is it the reworking of my inner self by the refinement of my outer expression, or the manifestations of fruits from my matured self? Or maybe it’s a relationship. My love for God is for me to decide, our relationship is as serious as I take it. We talk. I listen. He’s confusing, I’m inconsistent. We fight, have dates, and trust each other. If you saw our relationship, it may not look you want it to. We don’t have dinner at 6, bed time at 10, and always kiss hello. I’m just honest, every moment I’m honest. And that is what I am passionate about.